How To Hide Whatsapp And Facebook Conversations

If you own an iPhone, simply launch Whatsapp on your mobile and select the instant message you want to hide from the menu. Swipe to the left of the message and choose the archive option; this will take you to your last conversation with that person. Tap on it will save the chat as an archived message. You can then reply to the message as usual or mark it as spam to ignore.

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how to hide whatsapp


how to hide whatsapp even better is by using the iPhone's built in security features. If you enable Find Myiphone, each time you send a message to someone on whatsapp they will show up as a notification on your iPhone's notifications panel. Simply tap one of the notifications and it will open your chats. If any of the person's contacts have been added to your contact book, you will see the details of their contacts along with their email addresses in the chat. However, if you want to clear your history on whatsapp, all you need to do is follow the above step and delete the chats.


If you're still not sure how to hide chats on your iphone, try this trick. Open the Messages app and tap on conversations. You will see a list of conversations, as well as the time and duration that the user had the chats on. You may also see the number of people who are talking to the user, as well as their names. Tap one of these to display the chat history.

How to Hide Whatsapp And Facebook Conversations


To learn how to hide GBWHatsapp apps, you first need to unlock it. This is done by tapping on "Settings" on your iPhone. Once you've done so, scroll down to "Glide Screen". There you will see an option for turning off the touch screen, as well as enabling a feature called "NSAccess". Touching one of the icons will result in your chatting session being disabled, along with all of your other unsaved data on your phone.


The third part of how to hide GBMHsapp apps, the final step, is to archive individual chats that don't belong to you. To do this, head to the Mail App, tap "mails", and then tap "shared conversations". Look through the list of chat windows until you find one that doesn't belong to you. Tap on it, and it will say "Archives - Manage". Now, you can click on it to hide your chats from the server.


These are just some of the basic methods that you can use, but there are many more. To get the most out of your GBM chats, you need to know how to hide them online status. There are many ways to hide them online status, but the best way to hide your G BMHsapp is to do it with the official Google Chrome browser. When you first install Chrome, it will give you an option for creating a private profile. Just go with this option, and then go ahead and turn off the "show internet history" function.


After that, you should click "OK." This will bring up the "chromes", or the outer interface of your browser. From there, you will go into the various settings and just begin to toggle through each setting. This will show you all of your options for the various features on your Google chat.


The final part of how to hide chats, is to do the same thing for your Facebook timeline. To do that, go to your settings and tap "orge," or "story." On the left side of the screen, you will see a section for privacy. Click on it. Here you will find all of your chats, along with their URLs (which can be viewed in the address bar). Hiding them from Facebook can be done by simply doing this simple task.

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